Surya Namaskar Mantra Jaap
Rs 5500.00 (US $ 69.60)
Health, Energy and properity are the important constituents required by our physical body.
Surya (Sun) is considered to be the the source of light and energy. Surya Namskar or the - Salutation to the Sun - Yagya is being done for
for maintaining health, energy and properity and for getting cured from diseases.
Mantras from Vedas are recited during sunsrise.
Physical prostration to Sun, showing complete surrender of oneself to God, is the main aspect of Surya Namaskar.
The resolution is made in the beginning, that you are doing this act of performing Surya Namaskar by praying to the Sun,
requesting him to give you good health and strength in your endeavour to be succesful in achieving the objective.
Duration: 1 day (Approx 3 hours)
Delivery Time:
The pictures of the ritual will be mailed across within 5 days
The photographs of the ceremony usually gets delivered through email in 5-7 working days from the date of pooja.
Please do mention the Sankalpa or the wish with which you want to get the pooja performed.