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Good and Bad effects of Budha Graha

Good and Bad effects of Budha Graha

The place where a planet is placed at the time of the birth of an individual leaves a certain effect on the personality of a person. Even the events happening in his or her life are either a direct result of the effects caused by the planets, or are affected by them. This effect can be positive as well as negative.

While there are ups and downs in the life of every human being, sometimes the difficulties and struggles might seem unending and difficult to overcome. One might face one or the other problem, before he/she solves the first one. When the problems seen to have no end and you are notable to find a valid reason behind these, the actual cause behind these might be a weak planet, affecting negatively.

Budha Grah is the smallest planet in the orbit. In astrology, the empty things in the galaxy, sky and all empty things in this universe are said to be associated with Budha. If Budha is favorable in the birth chart of an individual his life will be good and if all other planets are favorable but there is Unfavorable Budha in your birth chart than you and your family will have to face many problems in their life.

An individual born with favorable Budha in the birth chart is said to become a very successful businessman whereas if a person born with unfavorable Budha in the birth chart has very fewer opportunities to get success in the business. These people also face problems in the job.

Effects of Malefic Budha Grah

·        To make money stay with you, you'll need to improve your Mercury, otherwise a bad Mercury will cause your money to get spent very quickly.

·        You may suffer from fever your whole life due to bad Mercury.

·        Your colleagues will not favor you

·        Skin problems

·        Your throat will always be problematic

·        Your kids may be short

·        You may not get kids

·        You may get a bad life partner, who'll always fight with you.

·        Your business will never be able to flourish.

·        You'll be ambitious, but will never be able to start a big business as you'll squander your money. Such people should be in partnership with someone or do remedies for Mercury.

·        Such people change their line of work many times, despite being smart. "Grass is always greener in the other line of work" for you.

Effects of Benefic Budha Grah: 

·        A person whose Mercury is good they are vibrant.

·        Their face have glow.

·        They are apt and always say clear.

·        They understand easily and remember for a longtime.

·        They loves aroma and keep away themselves from stink.

·        They get more success in the field of finance,consulting and management.

·        They have good power of express.


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