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Prayers for Marriage - Mantras to Remove Delay and Obstacles

Prayers for Marriage - Mantras to Remove Delay and Obstacles

Marriage is a sacred union in the Indian culture. Hinduism hails the sacredness of marriage that binds to individuals for life to blossom and the soul to bloom in oneness. The oneness of a couple is emphasized in life owing to the very essence of Hinduism, oneness of the soul, beyond physical and mental divisions and variations.

The delay in marriage attributed to one's Karma Phal or the result of one's actions in the previous births can be overcome by reciting certain powerful Hindu mantras.

Swayamvara Parvathi:Most Powerful, trusted, widely used Marriage Mantra for early marriage,fertility (to conceive child) and happiness

Om Hreem YoginimYogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari Sakala Sthavara

Jangamasya MukhaHridayam Mama Vasam akarsha Akarshaya Namaha "


Katyayani Mantra- Katyayani mantra is an effective mantra for those people whose marriage is delayed due to various reasons. Girls worship Devi Katyayani for early marriage and removal of any hurdles in love marriage. Katyayani Mantra is very effective in removing all obstacles such as Manglik Dosha or negative influences of planets in a girl's horoscope. Katyayani Mantra is primarily used to remove obstacles in love and for a fruitful married life.

Katyayani MahamayeMahayoginyadheeshwari |

NandgopsutamDevipatim Me Kuru te Namah ||


Parvati Mantra for delayed Marriages - This is one of the popular prayers for marriage, though also chanted to attain other objectives in life.

Hey GauriShankarardhangi Yatha Tvam Shankarpriyaa |

Tatha Mam KuruKalyaani Kaantkatam Sudurlabhaam ||


Ganesh Mantra -Here is a Ganesh Mantra for Love. You will have to recite this mantra for 108 times in the morning. Chant this mantra with patience until you find success in the desired goal.

OomaSreegaaneeshaama vidhneeshaama |
Vivaahaahaarthee taae Naamaahaa.||


Love Ganesh Mantra- Worries end here for the parents and for the youngsters now. You problems are heard here. Reach us to find solution to your problems. We will help you with powerful Ganesh Mantra For Early Love Marriage. We help you with best solutions to end your distress and get your daughters and sons get married soon.

Oma Saalaankruuthakaanyaa maae dheehi |
Naamaastyaaii Gaanneesshaayaaai naamaahaa||

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